AIRFIELD DESIGN SERVICES for Airfield Safety Enhancements & Improvements Program (ASEIP) - Phase 1
ID - 2025-013
ID - 2025-013
Location: TX
Bid Date/Time: Jan. 10, 2025, 4 p.m.
Project Type:
Status: Posted
Theprojects are anticipated to be completed over at least five funding years andare directly dependent upon FAA AIP funding. The projects may accelerate or beextended further due to actual funding levels. Construction contract packagingshall be developed in collaboration with the CMAR contractor to provide maximumflexibility in accommodating varying funding levels. Workassociated specifically with the ASEIP – Phase 1 will follow the appropriatesteps to help facilitate grant applications and potential awards. It isanticipated that the project will be executed with early work packages, whichwould lead to the execution of multiple work efforts at various levels ofdevelopment and/or construction under the key services within this PSA: 1. Designand Bid Phase Services2. ConstructionPhase Services Thescope of services will include but is not limited to: Design and Bid PhaseServices · Apply appropriate FAA Advisory Circulars (AC),Orders, and other Airport and regulatory guidance documents as requiredthroughout project duration, to include but is not limited to:o Update aviation forecasts for pavement design,if required,o Design of airfield pavement, drainage,embankment, grading, and associated work,o Design of airfield electrical circuitry,regulators, and associated work,o Design of airfield pavement marking andguidance signs,o Design of FAA-owned facilities (including ALSand other Navaids) and other utility relocation,o Design of temporary and permanent fencing andsecurity systems for AOA access,o Prepare and develop design and constructiondocuments,· In collaboration with the CMAR contractor:o Develop overall construction sequencing andpackaging strategy,o Identify phasing and sequence impacts perphase of work and develop proposed mitigations,o Prepare cost estimates and schedules,o Prepare construction solicitation front-enddocuments and coordinate with City and Airport staff as directed to meetsolicitation schedules and FAA grant application requirements.· Perform site investigations, if required, toinclude but not be limited to geotechnical investigations, surveys to includeunderground features, and review of existing record documents.· Provide design submittals for review,coordination, and/or approval at 65%, 95%, and 100% construction contractdocuments, including supporting cost estimates and schedules.· Provide design submittals for review,coordination, and/or approval at 65%, 95%, and 100% construction contractdocuments, including supporting cost estimates and schedules for FAA-ownedfacilities.· Incorporate the Airport’s SMS, includingSafety Risk Assessments, as applicable in evaluating design and constructionphasing/sequencing alternatives.· Provide Bid/Solicitation support services toinclude but not be limited to:o Pre-Bid/Pre-Solicitation agenda andpresentation preparation and participation at the Pre-Bid/Pre- Solicitationmeetings,o Responding to questions and Requests forInformation (RFIs),o Interpretation of contract documents asrequired,o Preparation of Addenda as required,o Performing bid/pricing evaluations, duediligence as required,o Attendance at bid openings and contractnegotiations as needed.· Perform Limited Phase 2 EnvironmentalAssessments before mobilization and after demobilization for the construction contractorstaging areas and temporary batch plants, if applicable. The Airport’s SoilManagement Plan is located on the Airport’s webpage and can be located at:· Assist with the development and negotiationsof anticipated Reimbursable Agreements with the FAA for impacts and mitigationsof impacts to FAA communications and navigational aid equipment, design andinstallation of replacement approach lighting systems, and coordination forpotential modification to runway approach procedures.· Assist with the coordination with TxDOT SanAntonio District Office for installation of an approach lighting system over USHighway 281 and other infrastructure impacting TxDOT ROW.· Develop project presentations and reports andpresent to Airport Executives, FAA personnel, Airport Tenants and other projectStakeholders, and other City Leaders. Construction PhaseServices · Provide conformed “Issue for Construction”(IFC) documents as required. · ResidentProject Representative and Resident Inspection Serviceso Provide dedicated, on-site, and licensedResident Project Representative to oversee the dedicated Resident InspectionServices.o As Resident Project Representative, be presentas an observer at the project sites through Final Completion of theconstruction activities. The working hours and schedules will be addressedduring the contract negotiations.o The Resident Inspector will be required to beonsite during all major work activities to ensure all work adheres to thespecifications and measure required quantities for contractor payment. Theworking hours and schedules will be addressed during the contract negotiations.o Resident Project Representative Services shallinclude, but not be limited to:§ Servingas engineer’s liaison with the construction contractor(s) as required,§ Submittingweekly and quarterly construction observation reports,§ Attendingweekly construction meetings,§ Observingand reviewing acceptance test results performed by construction contractor(s)at the frequency stated in the specifications.o Observations are required for the purpose ofproviding the City with a greater degree of confidence that the completed Workwill conform to the construction contract documents. · ConstructionAdministration Serviceso Provide Construction Administration Servicesthrough completion of the project to include, but not be limited to:§ MaintainingShop Drawing and Submittal Logs,§ Reviewingand approving shop drawings and samples submitted by construction contractor(s)for conformance,§ Evaluatingand determining the acceptability of substitute or “or-equal” materials orequipment proposed by construction contractor(s),§ Respondingto Requests for Information (RFIs) and maintaining the RFI Logs,§ Interpretationof construction contract documents,§ Preparingand processing change orders, etc. to include providing review, negotiation,AIP eligibility justification, and recommendation on change order requests madeby construction contractor(s),§ Reviewingconstruction contractor applications for payment and the accompanying supportdocumentation and providing recommendation for payment,§ Preparingdaily, weekly, and quarterly project status reports,§ Assistthe Airport with Claim negotiations to include attending mediation and legalhearings,§ SubmittingProject closeout documentation and final engineers report with the followingdocuments:§ Pre-constructiondocuments such as construction contract schedule; agendas; meeting minutes; andcontractor’s safety, quality control, and Storm Water Pollution Preventionplans,§ Constructiondocuments such as weekly inspection reports, monthly applications for payments,submittals, and submittal log,§ Certificationssuch as Stormwater, Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System permits.§ Finaldocuments such as final quantities computations, change orders, andcontractor’s retainage package with recommendation letter,§ Appendixmaterials such as construction contractors’ certified payrolls, field testresults, scale tickets, project photos, etc. · PostConstruction Serviceso Prepare as-built drawings and provide in hardcopy, electronic (PDF), Airport GIS (AGIS), and Paver formats,o Prepare FAA specific as-built drawings forsubmittal and approval by the FAA for all FAA owned facilities,o Prepare a final test and quality controlreport documenting the results of all tests performed, highlighting those teststhat failed or that did not meet the applicable test standard. The report shallinclude the pay reductions applied and the reasons for accepting anyout-of-tolerance material.o Perform warranty inspections. Respondentwill also be required to provide services, in addition to those already listed,as set out in the City’s General Conditions. Refer to RFQ Exhibit B – General Conditions. Allphases of the work will require close interaction and coordination with the City, local and regional FAA offices, the CMAR, TxDOT,and DOD as required by City. Other Requirements Personnelprovided by awarded Consultant must be able to obtain proper TSA securityclearances, to include the required background check for airfield access.Consultant shall be responsible for either having all sub-consultants properlybadged or providing escorts to sub-consultants. Driving within the securedareas of the airfield will be required. See RFQ Exhibit E - Procedures forObtaining Airport Personnel Identification Badge & Airfield Driver’sLicense. Inaddition to standard requirements contained in the City’s Professional Services Agreement Template (RFQ Exhibit A), Consultantwill be required to comply with provisions of FAA Advisory Circular (AC)150/5100-14E “Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services forAirport Grants Projects”, or its most current version. This AC can be obtainedthrough the internet at Consultant and their sub-consultants will be expected to providesubstantiation for labor, overhead & burden rates to meet the requirementsoutlined in FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5100-14E “Architectural,Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grants Projects”, orits most current version. To meet the Overhead substantiation requirements,Consultant will be asked to submit an Audited Overhead supported by the Reportof Independent Auditors that accompanied the Audited Overhead. Consultant mayalso submit a Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) audit or other governmentalagency audit report. Internship Program Consultantshall commit to providing at least two (2) paid internships per year to work onthe Project for the duration of the Project. Interns shall be students enrolledin college or graduate school programs that are relevant to work beingperformed by Consultant in furtherance of theProject. Each internship shall be a minimum of three (3) months in duration andat least 20 hours per week. The requirement for internships is limited tonon-DBE prime consultants and may not be imposed by the Consultant on anysubconsultants on the Project. Consultantshall be responsible for the establishment and on-going management andsupervision of the Internship Program.
Theprojects are anticipated to be completed over at least five funding years andare directly dependent upon FAA AIP funding. The projects may accelerate or beextended further due to actual funding levels. Construction contract packagingshall be developed in collaboration with the CMAR contractor to provide maximumflexibility in accommodating varying funding levels. Workassociated specifically with the ASEIP – Phase 1 will follow the appropriatesteps to help facilitate grant applications and potential awards. It isanticipated that the project will be executed with early work packages, whichwould lead to the execution of multiple work efforts at various levels ofdevelopment and/or construction under the key services within this PSA: 1. Designand Bid Phase Services2. ConstructionPhase Services Thescope of services will include but is not limited to: Design and Bid PhaseServices · Apply appropriate FAA Advisory Circulars (AC),Orders, and other Airport and regulatory guidance documents as requiredthroughout project duration, to include but is not limited to:o Update aviation forecasts for pavement design,if required,o Design of airfield pavement, drainage,embankment, grading, and associated work,o Design of airfield electrical circuitry,regulators, and associated work,o Design of airfield pavement marking andguidance signs,o Design of FAA-owned facilities (including ALSand other Navaids) and other utility relocation,o Design of temporary and permanent fencing andsecurity systems for AOA access,o Prepare and develop design and constructiondocuments,· In collaboration with the CMAR contractor:o Develop overall construction sequencing andpackaging strategy,o Identify phasing and sequence impacts perphase of work and develop proposed mitigations,o Prepare cost estimates and schedules,o Prepare construction solicitation front-enddocuments and coordinate with City and Airport staff as directed to meetsolicitation schedules and FAA grant application requirements.· Perform site investigations, if required, toinclude but not be limited to geotechnical investigations, surveys to includeunderground features, and review of existing record documents.· Provide design submittals for review,coordination, and/or approval at 65%, 95%, and 100% construction contractdocuments, including supporting cost estimates and schedules.· Provide design submittals for review,coordination, and/or approval at 65%, 95%, and 100% construction contractdocuments, including supporting cost estimates and schedules for FAA-ownedfacilities.· Incorporate the Airport’s SMS, includingSafety Risk Assessments, as applicable in evaluating design and constructionphasing/sequencing alternatives.· Provide Bid/Solicitation support services toinclude but not be limited to:o Pre-Bid/Pre-Solicitation agenda andpresentation preparation and participation at the Pre-Bid/Pre- Solicitationmeetings,o Responding to questions and Requests forInformation (RFIs),o Interpretation of contract documents asrequired,o Preparation of Addenda as required,o Performing bid/pricing evaluations, duediligence as required,o Attendance at bid openings and contractnegotiations as needed.· Perform Limited Phase 2 EnvironmentalAssessments before mobilization and after demobilization for the construction contractorstaging areas and temporary batch plants, if applicable. The Airport’s SoilManagement Plan is located on the Airport’s webpage and can be located at:· Assist with the development and negotiationsof anticipated Reimbursable Agreements with the FAA for impacts and mitigationsof impacts to FAA communications and navigational aid equipment, design andinstallation of replacement approach lighting systems, and coordination forpotential modification to runway approach procedures.· Assist with the coordination with TxDOT SanAntonio District Office for installation of an approach lighting system over USHighway 281 and other infrastructure impacting TxDOT ROW.· Develop project presentations and reports andpresent to Airport Executives, FAA personnel, Airport Tenants and other projectStakeholders, and other City Leaders. Construction PhaseServices · Provide conformed “Issue for Construction”(IFC) documents as required. · ResidentProject Representative and Resident Inspection Serviceso Provide dedicated, on-site, and licensedResident Project Representative to oversee the dedicated Resident InspectionServices.o As Resident Project Representative, be presentas an observer at the project sites through Final Completion of theconstruction activities. The working hours and schedules will be addressedduring the contract negotiations.o The Resident Inspector will be required to beonsite during all major work activities to ensure all work adheres to thespecifications and measure required quantities for contractor payment. Theworking hours and schedules will be addressed during the contract negotiations.o Resident Project Representative Services shallinclude, but not be limited to:§ Servingas engineer’s liaison with the construction contractor(s) as required,§ Submittingweekly and quarterly construction observation reports,§ Attendingweekly construction meetings,§ Observingand reviewing acceptance test results performed by construction contractor(s)at the frequency stated in the specifications.o Observations are required for the purpose ofproviding the City with a greater degree of confidence that the completed Workwill conform to the construction contract documents. · ConstructionAdministration Serviceso Provide Construction Administration Servicesthrough completion of the project to include, but not be limited to:§ MaintainingShop Drawing and Submittal Logs,§ Reviewingand approving shop drawings and samples submitted by construction contractor(s)for conformance,§ Evaluatingand determining the acceptability of substitute or “or-equal” materials orequipment proposed by construction contractor(s),§ Respondingto Requests for Information (RFIs) and maintaining the RFI Logs,§ Interpretationof construction contract documents,§ Preparingand processing change orders, etc. to include providing review, negotiation,AIP eligibility justification, and recommendation on change order requests madeby construction contractor(s),§ Reviewingconstruction contractor applications for payment and the accompanying supportdocumentation and providing recommendation for payment,§ Preparingdaily, weekly, and quarterly project status reports,§ Assistthe Airport with Claim negotiations to include attending mediation and legalhearings,§ SubmittingProject closeout documentation and final engineers report with the followingdocuments:§ Pre-constructiondocuments such as construction contract schedule; agendas; meeting minutes; andcontractor’s safety, quality control, and Storm Water Pollution Preventionplans,§ Constructiondocuments such as weekly inspection reports, monthly applications for payments,submittals, and submittal log,§ Certificationssuch as Stormwater, Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System permits.§ Finaldocuments such as final quantities computations, change orders, andcontractor’s retainage package with recommendation letter,§ Appendixmaterials such as construction contractors’ certified payrolls, field testresults, scale tickets, project photos, etc. · PostConstruction Serviceso Prepare as-built drawings and provide in hardcopy, electronic (PDF), Airport GIS (AGIS), and Paver formats,o Prepare FAA specific as-built drawings forsubmittal and approval by the FAA for all FAA owned facilities,o Prepare a final test and quality controlreport documenting the results of all tests performed, highlighting those teststhat failed or that did not meet the applicable test standard. The report shallinclude the pay reductions applied and the reasons for accepting anyout-of-tolerance material.o Perform warranty inspections. Respondentwill also be required to provide services, in addition to those already listed,as set out in the City’s General Conditions. Refer to RFQ Exhibit B – General Conditions. Allphases of the work will require close interaction and coordination with the City, local and regional FAA offices, the CMAR, TxDOT,and DOD as required by City. Other Requirements Personnelprovided by awarded Consultant must be able to obtain proper TSA securityclearances, to include the required background check for airfield access.Consultant shall be responsible for either having all sub-consultants properlybadged or providing escorts to sub-consultants. Driving within the securedareas of the airfield will be required. See RFQ Exhibit E - Procedures forObtaining Airport Personnel Identification Badge & Airfield Driver’sLicense. Inaddition to standard requirements contained in the City’s Professional Services Agreement Template (RFQ Exhibit A), Consultantwill be required to comply with provisions of FAA Advisory Circular (AC)150/5100-14E “Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services forAirport Grants Projects”, or its most current version. This AC can be obtainedthrough the internet at Consultant and their sub-consultants will be expected to providesubstantiation for labor, overhead & burden rates to meet the requirementsoutlined in FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5100-14E “Architectural,Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grants Projects”, orits most current version. To meet the Overhead substantiation requirements,Consultant will be asked to submit an Audited Overhead supported by the Reportof Independent Auditors that accompanied the Audited Overhead. Consultant mayalso submit a Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) audit or other governmentalagency audit report. Internship Program Consultantshall commit to providing at least two (2) paid internships per year to work onthe Project for the duration of the Project. Interns shall be students enrolledin college or graduate school programs that are relevant to work beingperformed by Consultant in furtherance of theProject. Each internship shall be a minimum of three (3) months in duration andat least 20 hours per week. The requirement for internships is limited tonon-DBE prime consultants and may not be imposed by the Consultant on anysubconsultants on the Project. Consultantshall be responsible for the establishment and on-going management andsupervision of the Internship Program.
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