The transportation achievement awards recognize excellence in the advancement of transportation by entities concerned with transportation. In addition to Traffic Engineering, other award categories include Complete Streets, Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO), Safety, and Planning.
“The North Vine corridor improvement was an elegant solution to a complex problem,” said Hays Mayor Mason Ruder. “Residents and visitors have quickly adapted to the new configuration, which is safer, provides better traffic flow, and is pedestrian friendly. The corridor is now positioned for growth and redevelopment.”
The improvement project consisted of removing the traffic signals along the north Vine Street corridor between Mopar Drive and 32nd Street and replacing them with a series of roundabouts to help improve traffic flow and reduce the number and severity of traffic crashes.
Construction began in June 2020 on the $12.2-million project that combined federal, local, and state funds. It was completed in November 2021.
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“The North Vine Street corridor was completely re-imagined using innovative ideas and concepts to reduce congestion, improve access to local businesses, and provide greater economic opportunities, as well as improve safety for the traveling public,” said Julie Lorenz, Kansas Secretary of Transportation. “Led by the City of Hays, this project is a great example of what can be accomplished when local, state, and federal partners work toward a common goal.”
The project also has been honored with other awards including a Smoky Valley Chapter of KSPE (Salina) Outstanding Engineering Achievement and a 2021 MO/KS Chapter ACPA Paving Award in the municipal streets and intersections category.