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Skanska Completes $19.8M Replacement of Essex Road Bridge in San Bernadino County, California

ESSEX, CA — Skanska, a global construction and development firm, announces the substantial completion of the Essex Road Bridge replacement in Essex, California. The $19.8 million project was awarded to Skanska by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and involved the replacement of westbound and eastbound bridges on Interstate 40 (I-40) over Halfway Hills Wash.

The 20-month project involved demolishing the existing bridges, asphalt paving, borrow material, constructing two new seven-span bridges, and making drainage improvements.

“The delivery of this project will have a lasting impact on the region,” said Kyle Reiter, Project Manager of Skanska USA Civil’s West Coast operations. “The new Essex Road Bridges is located in Essex, California, along the I-40 and will greatly improve the safety of traffic in the region. Skanska worked with our partners Caltrans and local subcontractors to successfully reach completion. A large part of the project’s success was due to our experienced team, including dedicated sustainability members.”

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