This golf outing gave attendees the opportunity to visit with friends in the industry. Using a scramble format, the event proved to be highly competitive. In addition to golf, Dimond Bros. Insurance sponsored a challenge hole at WeaverRidge in which Terry Estes from Pomp’s Tire drove a marshmallow 120 feet down the fairway. Angie Nickel (LafargeHolcim) purchased the winning 50/50 raffle ticket.
COVID-19 restrictions prevented gathering for the traditional trophy awards ceremony. The winners of IAAP's annual golf outing are as follows:
- 1st Place: Hanson Material Service team of Scott Malpasuto, Tim Theobald, Blake Donaghue, and Scott Peters
- 2nd Place: Andrew Ivelia and Mike Saban (Vulcan Materials) and Rob Summers and Kyle Behnke (Open Road Asphalt)
- 3rd Place: Alta Equipment team of Aaron King, Mike Heuser, Brad Beaulieu, and Joe Malone
- Longest Drive at #1: Tyler Grigsby (Hanson Material Service)
- Closest to Pin at #8: Josh Kunde (William Charles Construction)
- Closest to Pin at #12: Dale Cashmer (VCNA Prairie)
- Longest Putt at #18: Brian Jockisch (Buckley Powder)
- 1st Place: Scott Napiecek and Jimmy Johnson (RB Scott), Steve Novak (Hanson Material Service), and Nick Pyszka (Tema Isenmann)
- 2nd Place: Troy Kutz, Josh Quinn, Dan Johnson (Bluff City Materials), and Jason Zeibert (Finkbiner Equipment)
- 3rd Place: Ben Hornsey (Hanson Material Service), Mark Rademaker (American Bin & Conveyor), Erin Van Brooker (Bowser-Morner), Hamilton White (Turnkey)
- Closest to Pin at #6: Jon Gombis (Ozinga Materials)
- Longest Drive at #9: Josh Quinn (Bluff City Materials)
- Closest to Pin at #11: Scott Napiecek (RB Scott)
- Longest Putt at #18: Steve Nelson (Tri-Con Materials)