Audience members, including local and state officials as well as several special guests, watched as the final steel beam for the medical facility was hoisted into place — symbolizing the completion of steel placement.
During the ceremony, Brig. Gen. Mark Quander, Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes and Ohio River Division, discussed his pride in USACE’s role in the construction of the new facility.
“From what was once a grassy field, every inch of this site has transformed as you progress on the construction of this valuable addition to this city — enhancing VA’s ability to provide top-notch health care for the veterans it will serve,” he said. “The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is proud to deliver this state-of-the-art facility providing world-class health care for over 45,000 veterans in Kentucky and Southern Indiana.”
“It takes a team, and I am proud of our partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs demonstrating our commitment to caring for those we serve. We’re pleased to strengthen this partnership — delivering world-class health care facilities for our veterans and their families across the United States,” he added. “Topping out the structural beam is a celebration of a time-honored tradition symbolizing our commitment to each other and the backbone of this structure. As we move into the more complex features of the medical center and support facilities, I hope the spirit of teamwork we show today continues for successful project completion. I look forward to the day that the doors are opened to those first veterans.”
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Tambour Eller, Chief of Interagency and International Service at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters, said the Louisville VA Medical Center continues to build on the Corps’ commitment to VA and veterans.
“For close to a decade, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has partnered with the Department of Veterans Affairs to deliver the finest medical facilities that provide elite care for our nation’s treasured heroes, our veterans,” she said in a statement.
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear said the building of the Louisville VA Medical Center helps keep a promise to area veterans.
“This new Louisville VA Medical Center is so important to the people that call this region home and our entire commonwealth. Right here, we are building the most state-of-the-art veterans health care facility in the country — right here in Louisville, Kentucky,” he said. “This project keeps a focus on two of my highest priorities as governor, serving our veterans and providing high-quality health care. This new Louisville VA Medical Center is keeping a sacred trust that we have with our military veterans — when they sacrifice for us, we take care of them.”
The $900 million project includes the construction of a new 910,115-square-foot medical center, parking structures, a 42,205-square-foot central utility plant, roadways, sidewalks, and other site improvements.
The new 104-bed, full-service hospital will provide health care by integrating modern patient-centered care concepts to provide care for veterans. In addition, to specifically address the needs of woman veterans, the new hospital will include a Women’s Health Clinic with four Patient Aligned Care Teams.
The project designed by URS-SmithGroup Joint Venture is being constructed by Walsh-Turner Joint Venture II, Chicago, Illinois. Construction is anticipated to be complete in 2026.