Garver partnered with the City of Norman to implement temporary improvements and demonstration-scale pilot facilities at the Norman Water Reclamation Facility (WRF). The 15-month pilot demonstration is part of a multi-year, multi-step permitting process to eventually implement potential Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR) facilities that would augment Lake Thunderbird.
The city was driven by a critical need to expand its water portfolio and develop a resilient water supply for the future because of population growth and significant drought conditions. Garver leveraged its wastewater treatment and reuse expertise to deliver a proof-of-concept that operated within the available facilities/footprint and maximized use of existing infrastructure for pilot demonstrations without impacting existing operations and permit compliance.
“I’m honored that the ACEC and the WateReuse Association has honored this landmark project,” said Garver’s Oklahoma Water Team Leader, Cole Niblett, PE. “In partnering with the City of Norman, this pilot study will set the stage not only for Norman, but for other future reuse projects in Oklahoma and throughout the region, paving the way for more sustainable and drought-resistant water supplies.”
The first-of-its-kind demonstration project in the state, it will provide the data needed for meeting Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality benchmarks for safe drinking water standards within a future reuse full-scale design. The pilot study was completed in May 2022.