The President’s Award is the most prestigious distinction for an HGA employee. The award recognizes employees who exceed expectations and demonstrate a strong work ethic over an extended period. They command technical expertise and embrace the role of Subject Matter Expert. And they have demonstrated over an extended period excellence in their field that is recognized both inside and outside the company. It provides the opportunity for employees across the organization to be recognized for outstanding service and significant contributions to the organization, which fall under the categories of service, leadership, and distinguished engineering.
Bagwell embodies the President’s Service Award. Hunt praised the work and efforts of Bagwell. Bagwell, a long-time employee who is part of the executive leadership support team at the James Building, is known for her work thoroughness, professionalism, integrity, and work ethic. She is always looking to make the right decision to support the company and her team members. In the last few years, she has developed and led critical tasks for corporate and supported the president in pursuit of his varied business interests.
Blackwelder was the second employee to receive the President’s Service Award. His manager, Mike Causey, Vice President, Corporate Strategic Development, spoke highly of Blackwelder.
“Steve reflects HGA values," Causey said. "He’s diligent, collaborative, and helpful and adopts a team 'bulldog' approach to his work. I’m so proud he’s being recognized with the HGA Distinguished Service Award.”
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Blackwelder embodies the true essence of the business development team; he’s willing to do what is required and is not scared to knock on doors and find new clients. He is always working with others and goes above and beyond for clients. During this time, Blackwelder has generated over $170 million in revenue for HGA.
“All of you can see the incredible dedication and talent here that represents HGA," Hunt said. "I thank each one of this year’s award winners for making a significant impact and for who they are, how they carry themselves, and what they do."