Mississippi DOT Bridge Projects Ongoing in Northwest Mississippi

Interstate 55 Bridge Replacement in Tate County
A project to replace two overpasses at Exit 271 near Coldwater continues in Tate County. Both the northbound and southbound bridges have been completed and opened to traffic.
“Although, both bridges are open, highway workers will still be present as they remove the temporary detour bridge and perform other work,” Tagert said.
The existing bridges were built in 1959, and the bridge decks had deteriorated to a point where replacement was the only solution. The $9-million project was awarded to Joe McGee Construction Company. The new bridges will have a life expectancy of 75 to 100 years. The project is estimated to be completed this fall.
“Motorists are reminded to use caution through work zones and remain alert and avoid all distractions,” said Melinda McGrath, PE, MDOT Executive Director.
State Route 4 Bridge Replacement in Tunica County
A new bridge on State Route 4 over White Oak Bayou in Tunica County recently opened to traffic. The bridge was built on a new alignment. Highway workers will still be present while the old roadway and bridge are removed and other work is completed.
The nearly $3-million project was awarded to Talbot Brothers, of Nesbit.
Bridge Project in Tallahatchie County
On U.S. Highway 49 East, a nearly $5-million project to replace the Black Bayou Bridge is being performed by Eutaw Construction. A temporary detour bridge has been opened for traffic. The existing bridge is being demolished, and the crews began driving pilings for the permanent bridge in late June. The project is scheduled to be completed in fall 2019.
“Most of the work is taking place off the existing roadway to minimize impacts to traffic and to keep workers safe,” Tagert said. “However, motorists should use caution in the work zones and expect delays. Construction equipment and dump trucks will be entering and exiting the work zones throughout the project.”
Interstate 55 Bridge Maintenance in Tate, Panola and DeSoto counties
A project to preserve bridges along I-55 from Batesville to Hernando was awarded in March to Gibson & Associates, Inc., of Balch Springs, Texas.
The $15.9-million project covers 18 bridges at nine locations in Tate, Panola and DeSoto counties. The scope of work on both the northbound and southbound bridges in each location includes hydro-demolition and bridge deck concrete replacement; repair and replace guardrails; repair spalls and cracks; mill and overlay designated areas; and repairs and erosion control along slopes.
The locations are Slocum Road in DeSoto County; State Route 4 and Shands Bottom Road, both in Tate County; and Compress Road, State Route 310, State Route 315, Belmont Road, River Road and Tallahatchie Relief Bridge, all in Panola County.
The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2020.
State Route 178 Ridge Replacements in Marshall County
A $4.8-million project to replace three bridges is underway on State Route 178 is underway in Marshall County. The project includes bridges crossing the Oaklimeter Creek, Armour Branch and Pechahalee Creek between Potts Camp and Myrtle.
“MDOT engineers determined replacement was the best option for the bridges, which were reaching the end of their life cycle. Previous repairs had been made to keep them in service prior to this project,” Tagert said.
The project was awarded to Talbot Brothers and is expected to be completed in fall 2020.
A separate $1.6-million project was awarded to Lehman Roberts Company to mill and overlay approximately four miles of State Route 178 from west of U.S. Highway 78 to the Benton County line.
For more information about these or other MDOT maintenance and construction projects, go to MDOTtraffic.com.