Tarbutton Road Overpass, I-20 Interchange Project in Lincoln Parish Hits Milestone

The newly constructed Tarbutton Road overpass over I-20 is now open to traffic following the removal of the old bridge. Tarbutton Road approaching each end of the overpass is being built on an adjusted alignment to greatly improve traffic flow in the area.
Currently, Tarbutton Road from the South Service Road to LA 150 on the south side of the overpass is closed for continued work on the new roadway and alignment. Construction on the section of Tarbutton Road on the north side of the overpass near Ruston Junior High School is nearing completion.
Additionally, the new Tarbutton/I-20 interchange ramps have been constructed, which will provide congestion relief on the other I-20 interchanges in Ruston, as well as promote development along the Tarbutton corridor.
Final work will include guardrail installation around the overpass columns, median cable barrier replacement where gaps were created during the project, and grading, seeding and dressing of slopes, along with permanent signage and striping.
The entire project is expected to wrap up in late spring/early summer 2020, weather permitting.