In 2020, HNTB had been selected to perform system design for all four BRT corridors and final design for the New Bern Avenue BRT, a project which is rapidly approaching completion. The Southern Corridor BRT will connect Downtown Raleigh with the Town of Garner, including the Downtown South project, a 135-acre, 2.5-million-square-foot, mixed-use urban development set to break ground along the corridor.
"This and several other BRT projects in Raleigh represent a significant investment in transit by the city and [are] supported by county residents through a sales tax referendum, which passed in 2016," said Spencer Franklin, HNTB's Carolinas Office Leader. "Of even greater significance is how this transit investment will connect residents and historically underserved communities to economic opportunity, greater housing, and retail options. Leveraging transit and transportation to improve these connections is at the core of HNTB's values."