Governor Lamont Presents CT2030 Transportation Plan
But with the way the state currently funds transportation projects, which mainly involves in-state residents paying virtually all of the costs, the funding to not only make these improvements but keep the existing system in a state of good repair is simply not there.
Working with transportation experts, federal officials, Democratic and Republican lawmakers and neighboring states, Governor Ned Lamont has developed a detailed, fiscally responsible plan that specifically targets the state’s worst transportation problems while financing them in a way that delivers the highest possible return on investment at the lowest possible cost to Connecticut residents.
CT2030 is Governor Lamont’s ten-year vision to create a multi-modal, congestion-reduced Connecticut through smart enhancement projects in the state’s highways, trains, buses, airports and ports.
The plan invests $14 billion in the state’s roads and bridges and $7 billion in its public transit system by focusing on projects that prioritizes and pays for the most vital improvements for Connecticut residents, while doing so in a realistic way. Projects fall into two categories: system preservation and maintenance, and enhancement projects that can be achieved over the next decade.
The entire plan can be read online by visiting