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AGC of California Unveils Recipients of Constructor and Achievement Awards

SACRAMENTO, CA — During the Associated General Contractors of California's (AGC of California) annual Installation & Awards Gala, the winners of the Constructor Awards and Achievement Awards were unveiled.

"Annually, AGC of California honors the pioneers in the construction industry — those visionaries whose innovative approaches not only shape our sector, but also contribute to a dynamic and continually evolving California," said Steve Rule, 2024 AGC of California State Board President. Rule, Vice President and Construction Executive of Turner Construction, was installed as President of AGC of California's State Board. "These winners reflect the wide-ranging influence of construction on our state's landscape, economy, and community."

The Constructor Awards program acknowledges the accomplishments of AGC of California members. Only a single Constructor Award is given in each category.

AGC of California's Achievement Awards honors individuals and organizations for outstanding contributions to the construction industry. The Construction Education Friend Award recognizes individuals who make exceptional contributions to construction education efforts and the development of the future construction workforce. Additionally, the newly introduced AGC of California Owner of the Year award acknowledges an organization for outstanding partnering between the owner and the contractor.

"The recipients of this year's awards embody the variety of ways in which individuals and their projects add value to our communities," said Peter Tateishi, Chief Executive Officer of AGC of California. "Their work affects our daily commutes and creates spaces where we live, work, and play. These professionals have a profound impact on our everyday lives, and they are creating a more prosperous future in California."

AGC of California's 2024 Constructor Awards
  • Specialty $10 Million & Over: Royal Electric Company, Waymark Walnut Creek Transit Village
  • Heavy Civil $15 Million & Under: Granite Construction Company, Laguna Seca Start/Finish Bridge & Overlay Project
  • Heavy Civil $15 Million to $40 Million: Flatiron, San Gabriel River Bridge Hinge & Diaphragm Repairs
  • Heavy Civil $40 Million to $100 Million: Myers & Sons Construction, Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District - Secondary Treatment Plant Upgrade & Recycled Water Expansion
  • Heavy Civil $100 Million & Over: Skanska, Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project
  • Builder $15 Million & Under: Swinerton, DignityMoves Labath Landing
  • Builder $15 Million to $50 Million: Otto Construction, Mayo Hall Renovation & Addition
  • Builder $50 Million to $100 Million: Clark Construction Group, Orange County Museum of Art
  • Builder $100 Million & Over: Hensel Phelps, 1021 O Street
AGC of California's 2024 Achievement Awards
  • Harry Eckstein Safety Professional of the Year Award: Alfredo Vargas, Walsh Construction (Retired)
  • S.I.R. (Skill, Integrity, Responsibility) Award: Raymond Tritt, California Department of Transportation (Retired)
  • Construction Education Friend Award: Lamar Hanger, Fontana High School
  • Associate Achievement Award: Robert Roginson, Ogletree Deakins
  • Specialty Contractor Achievement Award: Henry Nutt III, Southland Industries
  • Contractor Achievement Award: Aaron Yohnke, California Buildings, PCL Construction
  • Owner of the Year Award: San Bernardino County Transportation Authority
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