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ACEC California Announces 2025 Engineering Excellence Awards

North Indio Regional Flood Control Project
North Indio Regional Flood Control Project
I-15/Railroad Canyon Road Interchange Reconstruction Project
I-15/Railroad Canyon Road Interchange Reconstruction Project
California State University, Northridge Maple Hall
California State University, Northridge Maple Hall

SACRAMENTO, CA — The American Council of Engineering Companies, California (ACEC California) announces the 2025 recipients of its annual Engineering Excellence Awards. Projects were recognized for demonstrating an exceptional degree of innovation, complexity, achievement, and value. Seventeen projects earned the Honor Award distinction, 24 were recognized with Merit Awards, and 16 Commendation Awards were awarded.

"The 2025 Engineering Excellence Awards celebrate the extraordinary innovation and achievements of ACEC California engineering and land surveying firms," said Brad Diede, Executive Director of ACEC California. "Californians deserve exceptional infrastructure. The awards this year represent a wide range of projects including reliable water related and transportation systems, secure bicycle/pedestrian routes, habitat restoration and recreation, and structurally sound buildings. Our firms are passionately committed to transforming California, as showcased by these award-winning projects."

Honor Award recipients include:

  • Anchor QEA for their work on the National Park Service Scorpion Anchorage Pier Replacement
  • Anser Advisory Management, LLC dba Anser part of Accenture for their work on the Long Beach Airport Terminal Area Improvements Airport Modernization Phase II
  • Anser Advisory Management, LLC dba Anser part of Accenture for their work on the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority North First Avenue Bridge Over BNSF Railroad
  • Arcadis U.S., Inc. for their work on the Sterling Natural Resource Center
  • Arup for their work on the Delta Sky Way at LAX
  • Arup for their work on the Gradient Canopy
  • Atlas Technical Consultants for their work on the Caltrans Inertial Certification Program, Stop-and-Go Inertial Profiler Implementation Effort
  • Biggs Cardosa Associates, Inc. for their work on the Rosecrans/Marquardt Grade Separation
  • BKF Engineers for their work on the Brickyard Cove at McLaughlin Eastshore State Park
  • Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., Mary McGrath Architects, P2S Engineering Inc., and Cornerstone Structural Engineering Group for their work on the Fireboat Station No. 20 at the Port of Long Beach
  • Kier + Wright and Schaaf & Wheeler for their work on the Boulder Creek Pipeline Replacement
  • MNS Engineers, Inc. and HDR for their work on the SFCTA Yerba Buena Island I-80/Southgate Road & Interchange
  • NV5 and SDG&E for their work on the La Jolla 69 kV Buried Cable Replacement Project
  • Parsons Corporation for their work on the Interstate 80/Gilman Street Interchange Improvement Project Phase 1: Pedestrian and Bicycle Overcrossing
  • Stantec Consulting Services Inc. for their work on the Friant-Kern Canal Middle Reach Capacity Correction Phase 1 Project
  • Walter P Moore for their work on the Intuit Dome
  • West Yost for their work on the Regional Surface Water Supply Project

Merit Award recipients include:

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  • Albert A. Webb Associates for their work on the North Indio Regional Flood Control Project
  • Ardurra Group, Inc. for their work on the Orangewood Avenue Improvements from State College Boulevard to the Santa Ana River
  • Ardurra Group, Inc. for their work on the Superior Avenue Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and Parking Lot
  • Cornerstone Structural Engineering Group for their work on the WeatherTech Laguna Seca Raceway Bridge Replacement and Track Overlay
  • HDR for their work on the I-15/Railroad Canyon Road Interchange Reconstruction Project
  • HDR for their work on the Sepulveda Boulevard Bridge Widening Project
  • HMH Engineers for their work on the U.S. 101/De La Cruz Boulevard/Trimble Road Interchange Improvement
  • Kennedy Jenks Consultants for their work on the Regional Environmental Sewer Conveyance Upgrades
  • Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for their work on the Vine Transit Maintenance Facility
  • Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for their work on the Rocklin Road/Pacific Street Roundabout Design Services
  • KOA Corporation for their work on the LADOT Safe Routes to School Shatto Place Redesign Quick Build Project
  • Michael Baker International for their work on the Southeastern Live Well Center
  • MKN & Associates, Inc. for their work on the Pasajero Groundwater Recharge Facility Project
  • MNS Engineers, Inc. for their work on the Santa Claus Lane Class 1 Bike Path
  • NV5, Inc. for their work on the Veteran's Boulevard Interchange Project
  • P2S LP for their work on the California State University, Northridge Maple Hall
  • Parsons Corporation for their work on the Silicon Valley Clean Water - Front of Plant Project
  • Provost & Pritchard Consulting Group for their work on the Okieville Recharge Basin Project
  • Syska Hennessy Group, RMW Architecture & Interiors, GCI General Contractors, and KPFF Consulting Engineers for their work on the Supernal
  • TranSystems for their work on the PS&E for I-5 Improvement project from Oso Parkway to Alicia Parkway
  • TRC Companies for their work on the Elkhorn Boulevard Extension Project
  • Verdantas Inc. and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for their work on the Ontario Ranch Road Bridge over Cucamonga Creek
  • Wagner Engineering & Survey, Inc. for their work on the Delta Sky Way Terminal 3 Modernization Program
  • WSP USA for their work on the Congressman Alan Lowenthal Global Trade and Education Center

Commendation Award recipients include:

  • AtkinsRéalis for their work on the Golden Gate National Recreation Area - China Beach Parking and Beach Access
  • BKF Engineers for their work on the Pico Rivera Regional Bikeway
  • Blackburn Consulting for their work on the Lookout Slough Tidal Habitat Restoration and Flood Improvement Project
  • CSW Stuber-Stroeh Engineering Group Inc. dba CSWST2 for their work on the Third Street Rehabilitation & Safety
  • Earth Systems for their work on the Golden Hill Road/Union Road Roundabout
  • General Technologies and Solutions for their work on the Santa Monica 20th Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Connection
  • Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for their work on the Ventura River Trail Improvements Project
  • LCC Engineering & Surveying, Inc. for their work on the City of Pleasant Hill Taylor Boulevard Improvements Project
  • LCC Engineering & Surveying, Inc. for their work on the Lafayette Community Center Playground Renovation
  • Michael Baker International for their work on the El Centro Courthouse
  • Michael Baker International for their work on the Powerhouse Park Tot Lot Renovation
  • Provost & Pritchard Consulting Group for their work on the Cross Valley Canal Pool No. 8 Lining Project
  • Psomas for their work on the Vine Street Mobility Hub
  • Quad Knopf, Inc. dba QK for their work on the Rio Bravo-Greeley Union School District Nitrate Removal
  • SA Associates for their work on the Centralized Groundwater Treatment System
  • STV for their work on the Market Street Canopies and Escalators

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