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The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) — along with their contractor, a joint venture of Q&D Construction and Road and Highway Builders (RHB) — is working on the second phase (1B) of a project on U.S. 395, which runs from just outside of Los Angeles, California, to the Canadian border. …

by: Larry Bernstein

California DOT Nears the Finish Line on $664M I-5 South County Improvements Project
California DOT Nears the Finish Line on $664M I-5 South County Improvements Project

Significant portions of Interstate 5 (I-5), a north-south interstate along the West Coast, are currently being expanded, revitalized, and modernized. …

by: Nathan Medcalf

Performance Tracking Software Helps Contractors Follow California Compliance Regulations
Performance Tracking Software Helps Contractors Follow California Compliance Regulations

Requirements for documenting hours worked, overtime, breaks, and other data for employees in California are among the strictest in the …

by: John Sheedy, Senior Product Manager, Trimble

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Your local Gomaco dealer
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