Open to all Bentley software users, the Bentley Year in Infrastructure Awards program has recognized nearly 4,000 of the world’s most outstanding infrastructure projects since 2004.
The $252-million project features a 2.8-mile long bridge on North Carolina’s Outer Banks, designed to last 100 years and withstand hurricanes and ship strikes. By using an integrated design and document control workflow, HDR was able to coordinate the contributions of over 250 people representing numerous disciplines, organizations, and locations to deliver a project optimized for cost, constructability, environmental impacts, performance, and long-term durability.
HDR utilized Bentley ProjectWise to store, manage, and share thousands of files, including LEAP CONSPAN Analyses, MicroStation Drawing Files, and Geopak Coordinate Geometry data to create an innovative, efficient, and consistent design. Using digital workflows reduced costs, design time, and coordination errors and facilitated continued access to data during inspection, operations, and maintenance. The new structure, opened to traffic in February 2019, provides a critical hurricane evacuation route as well as access to health care, education, recreation, and tourism.