Colorado DOT Opens New I-70 Lanes Over Peoria to Traffic

As part of this work, the highway will be reduced to one lane overnight as the new lanes are striped and motorists are guided onto the new Peoria bridge. Once I-70 traffic moves onto the new bridge, crews will demolish and rebuild the former structure where traffic traveled and will later join the newly built lanes of I-70.
This work is weather dependent and subject to change. Motorists should expect slight delays as traffic gets used to the shift.
A total of 22 new bridges, including the new I-70 bridge over Peoria Street, are being built on the Central 70 Project. These infrastructure and safety improvements are long-term solutions designed to ease congestion, improve access and enhance connectivity along the 10-mile stretch of I-70 between Brighton Boulevard and Chambers Road.
The I-70 bridge over Peoria Street is part of the East Area on the Central 70 Project, which extends between Quebec Street and Chambers Road, or half the length of the entire project. The East Area will be completed prior to the Central and West areas and also includes highway widening and construction of the new I-270 flyover structure and the I-70 bridge over Quebec Street.
View Central 70’s traffic and construction impacts webpage for ongoing work and current closures. Motorists can also sign up for text message alerts to receive information about closures and traffic switches by texting Central 70 to 77948.
The Central 70 Project will reconstruct a 10-mile stretch of I-70 from I-25 to Chambers Road, add one new Express Lane in each direction, remove the aging 55-year-old viaduct and lower the interstate between Brighton and Colorado boulevards. More information on the project, including a list of the project’s community commitments, is available at