Transportation Commission Awards $25M in Highway Contracts

For the US 20 work, crews will widen and move a 12-mile section of road. Crews will make the shoulders six feet wide and keep the travel lane 24 feet wide. WYDOT is moving the road because widening the shoulders will bring the existing road too close to a nearby railroad’s right of way. The contract completion date is July 31, 2021.
Other contracts the commission awarded included pavement surfacing, sign installation and bridge repairs.
Simon Contractors also was the low bidder on a $3-million pavement contract on 6.6 miles of WYO 92 between Torrington and Huntley in Goshen County. Crews will perform a full-depth reclamation where they will pulverize the existing pavement and base, add cement to the mixture, reapply it and resurface the road. The cement will be added to help prevent moisture from getting inside the base. Crews will also perform minor bridge repairs. The contract completion date is October 31, 2020.
Kilgore Companies (Lewis & Lewis Inc.) won a $2.5-million resurfacing contract on US 189 between Lazeart Junction and Kemmerer in Uinta County. Crews will resurface about eight miles. The contract completion date is October 31, 2020.
Kilgore Companies also won a $2-million resurfacing contract on WYO 70. Crews will resurface about five miles of road between Dixon and Encampment in Carbon County. The contract completion date is October 31, 2020.
The commission awarded Riverside Contracting a $1.8-million resurfacing project. Crews will resurface five miles of road on US 14 between Dayton and Ranchester in Sheridan County. Crews will also perform minor fence repairs. The contract completion date is October 31, 2020.
The commission also awarded contracts for:
• $1 million and $901,355 to S & L Industrial for passing and no passing sign installation contracts at various locations in Albany, Big Horn, Carbon, Fremont, Hot Springs, Laramie, Lincoln, Park, Sublette, Sweetwater, Teton, Uinta and Washakie counties by October 31, 2020
• $260,960 to C C Enterprises – Traffic Control Specialists Inc. for a wildlife crossing sign installation contract at various locations in Campbell, Johnson, Sheridan, Washakie and Weston counties by June 30, 2020
• $117,000 to Reiman Corp. for a bridge repair contract on Interstate 80 and Parsley Boulevard in Cheyenne in Laramie County by June 30, 2020