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City of Milwaukee Kicks Off Construction Season with Major Corridor Projects

MILWAUKEE, WI — The City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works, in partnership with Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), is beginning its construction season with a series of major projects that will incorporate traffic calming, pedestrian/bicycle safety improvements, and curb ramps built to current Americans with Disabilities Act standards. Four major corridors will see such improvements, part of 50 new traffic calming projects programmed for 2023.

“Making major streets safer and more inviting to pedestrians and bicyclists is a major priority for my administration,” Mayor Cavalier Johnson said. “We appreciate our partners in the community, on the Common Council, and at WisDOT as we work to advance these projects and improve safety for all.”

West Walnut Street Reconstruction Project
Most significant among these is the West Walnut Street reconstruction project from N. 12th Street to N. 20th Street. The majority of the work including roadway and sidewalk will be completed in late 2023 with streetlighting and tree plantings completed the following year.

The project includes raised crosswalks on stop-controlled side streets and curb extensions (bump-outs) at intersections. West Walnut Street will be reconstructed from its current four-lane divided roadway to a two-lane divided highway through the majority of the project limits. A protected bike lane, separated from the travel lanes, will also be constructed throughout the majority of the project limits.

West Vliet Street Reconstruction Project
The West Vliet Street reconstruction project will span from N. 27th Street to N. 12th Street. The majority of the work including roadway and sidewalk will be completed in late 2023 with streetlighting and tree plantings completed the following year.

The project includes bump-outs at intersections and elimination of parking between N. 24th Street and N. 17th Street, to prevent illegal passing on the right. Bike lanes will remain as currently marked.

West Hampton Avenue Resurfacing Project
The West Hampton Avenue resurfacing project from N. 60th Street to N. 29th Street is anticipated to begin construction May 1. The majority of the work including roadway will be completed in late 2023 with streetlighting and signal equipment and street lighting completed the following year.

The project includes pinned on bump-outs including incorporating these extensions into bus stops. The roadway will be resurfaced and new pavement marking will be placed, including new bike lanes from N. 31st Street to N. 35th Street and refurbished bike lanes for the remainder of the project length.

North Humboldt Boulevard Reconstruction Project
Additionally, the North Humboldt Boulevard reconstruction project from E. North Avenue to E. Keefe Avenue enters its second and final year. Construction is anticipated to be completed in late May.
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The west side of North Humboldt Boulevard between E. Locust Street and E. Keefe Avenue along with the Locust Street intersection will be completed. In addition to the signal poles, lighting, and signage, sidewalk on both sides of the roadway will be completed and bump-outs will be added at eight intersections.

“This will be a very busy construction season as these four major projects are among the dozens of traffic calming projects planned citywide. These corridor projects are an example of our customized approach to traffic calming depending on the needs of each neighborhood’s residents and visitors,” Commissioner of Public Works Jerrel Kruschke said.

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