As Managing Director of VHB's growing Atlanta office, Fabricio leads a group of more than 65 transportation, community planners, land development, and environmental professionals on some of the most significant projects in the metro Atlanta region, including developing a Regional Safety Strategy for the Atlanta Regional Commission, leading transit hub studies for Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority, preparing the Atlanta Transportation Plan, and developing the Gwinnet Place Revitalization Strategy for the Gwinnett Place Community Improvement District. He has spent more than two decades fostering relationships with local governments, state agencies, transit agencies, and private developers in both Georgia and Florida, with a focus on enhancing communities through transportation planning, engineering, community planning, and land development that elevate sustainability, equity, and resiliency.
“I’m honored to be named to the CQG Board of Directors and look forward to working with so many esteemed community and industry leaders who share a commitment to responsible growth in the metro Atlanta region,” Fabricio said. “With the new federal investments in infrastructure, it is more important than ever that we pool resources and best practices to reinvest in our communities with an eye toward equity and sustainability."