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New Report Gives Update on First Year of IIJA Transportation Projects in Montana, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a recent review of U.S. Treasury Department data through September 30, over 2,000 transportation projects in Montana, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska have been jumpstarted by federal highway and bridge formula funds during the first year of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

"A key takeaway from the Treasury data is that the bipartisan infrastructure law is working in year-one as intended, with state transportation departments disbursing funds and projects breaking ground," said American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) Chief Economist Dr. Alison Premo Black, who prepared the report.

President Joe Biden signed the IIJA into law Nov. 15, 2021. Nearly 90 percent of IIJA's highway funds are dispersed by existing formula to states, with the remainder distributed through discretionary grant awards and other allocated programs.

Nationally, over 29,000 IIJA projects were launched through the end of September.

Montana leveraged $649.3 million in federal highway and bridge formula funds in FY 2022 to help jumpstart 468 new improvement projects in communities across the state. The five largest projects supported by formula funds in Montana are:

  • Construction project to rehabilitate existing roadways in Lewis & Clark County on multiple routes - $40 million
  • Reconstruct the existing roadway in Garfield County on National Highway Route 57/Mt 200 - $25.8 million
  • Rehabilitate existing roadway in Yellowstone County on multiple routes - $18.1 million
  • Reconstruct existing roadway in Lake County on National Highway Route 5/US 93 - $18 million
  • Construction activities required for the future installation of high tension cable rail (multiple counties adjacent to Interstate Route 90) - $16.4 million
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Oregon leveraged $685.8 million in federal highway and bridge formula funds in FY 2022 to help jumpstart 360 new improvement projects in communities across the state. The five largest projects supported by formula funds in Oregon are:

  • Realign US-97 including bridge overpasses and intersection improvements at US-97 and Cooley Road, US-20 and Cooley Road, and US-20 and Robal Road to reduce high severity crashes and improve operations. - $40.7 million
  • Planning activities for the replacement of the I-5 Interstate Bridge between Oregon and Washington - $28.8 million
  • I-205 Stafford Road Variable Rate Tolling Project, complete design & NEPA activities - $24.8 million
  • State planning and research - $21.8 million
  • Repave roadway and provide upgrades on I-5 McDonald Street - $20.6 million

Washington leveraged $879.8 million in federal highway and bridge formula funds in FY 2022 to help jumpstart 583 new improvement projects in communities across the state. The five largest projects supported by formula funds in Washington are:

  • I-5/SB Denny Way pavement, deck, and expansion joint replacements - $192.5 million
  • Paving and removing fish passage barriers on SR 302 to N of 154th Street NW - $20.9 million
  • 2023 Eastern Region chip seal - $14.7 million
  • I-5/SB Lewis River Bridge - deck overlay and expansion joint replacement - $14.6 million
  • US 195/Colton to Jct SR 27 - chip seal - $13.8 million

Idaho leveraged $472.1 million in federal highway and bridge formula funds in FY 2022 to help jumpstart 405 new improvement projects in communities across the state. The five largest projects supported by formula funds in Idaho are:

  • Garvee debt service - $58.9 million
  • Replacing the super structure with wider sidewalks and travel lanes - $33.5 million
  • Replace approximately 6.5 miles of existing two-lane roadway with new four-lane divided highway on Hwy 95 from mileposts 337.2 to 343.9 - $24.9 million
  • Rehabilitation of Eagle Road; I-84 to SH-44 Project located between the cities of Meridian and Eagle - $13.9 million
  • Improvements to US 93, 100 South Road in Jerome County - $12.6 million

Alaska leveraged $688.4 million in federal highway and bridge formula funds in FY 2022 to help jumpstart 248 new improvement projects in communities across the state. The five largest projects supported by formula funds in Alaska are:

  • Construction of new highway from Juneau Creek to Sterling Highway - $41.7 million
  • Rehabilitate pavement and replace Placer Creek, Portage Creek, and 20 Mile River Bridges - $34.7 million
  • Reconstruction of the Haines Highway - $28.4 million
  • Tribal Transportation Program - $28.3 million
  • Rehabilitate the Seward Highway, replace Victor Creek Bridge, and rehabilitate Snow River Bridges - $26.1 million

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