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Governor Announces Alaska DOT&PF FY2022 Budget Highlights

JUNEAU, AK — Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy recently rolled out his FY2022 budget to the public. The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities' (DOT&PF) proposed budget takes into consideration the transportation needs of Alaskans while acknowledging the current fiscal climate.

The highlights are:

  • Unrestricted General Fund (UGF) reduction utilizing Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) CARES Act funds. DOT&PF is proposing to use $14.6 million of eligible FAA CARES Act funds in place of UGF. This federal aid will be applied to eligible expenses within the department and will allow for the one-time UGF reduction.
  • Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) - $50 million UGF Operating Budget. The AMHS operating budget is proposed at the same level as presented by the Governor in FY2021. UGF of $50 million continues service to current port communities while limiting service gaps.
  • Consolidation of the Department of Administration (DOA) leasing functions with the Division of Facility Services (DFS). To date, DFS has onboarded more than 75 percent of state facilities. Progress will continue in FY2022 with the goal of completely centralizing the bulk of state facility services, absorbing leasing, and space management functions, as well as public building fund management from DOA.
  • Surface Transportation Program (STP) and Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Capital Budget. Over $10 million of increased state matching funds is proposed to leverage additional federal dollars for the STP and AIP capital programs. This translates into additional projects which, in turn, provide additional jobs to urban and rural Alaska.
  • Statewide Equipment Fleet (SEF) modernization. The department proposed additional capital authority for SEF modernization. The results of an ongoing fleet analysis study by Mercury Associates are forthcoming. That analysis is anticipated to provide direction on improved management and long-term planning for DOT&PF’s statewide equipment fleet when procuring, maintaining, and disposing of maintenance & operations assets.

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