Whether you should be renting battery-powered equipment is a decision informed by whether you need to meet jobsite emission or noise limitations, if you have company-wide sustainability goals, or if you’d like to test a piece of equipment before buying. Even if those needs don’t resonate, consider giving battery technology a shot. It will be more commonplace on jobsites everywhere before you know it.
Sustainability is the biggest player in the battery-powered equipment game. It’s the main driver for manufacturers to create this revolutionary equipment and a large reason why contractors are testing it out. Battery-powered equipment is still new, making some contractors hesitant in its ability to perform as well as its gas counterparts. The first piece of good news: performance doesn’t suffer. Thanks to the electric vehicle industry, battery technology has rapidly improved and been shared with other industries. The second piece of good news: rental stores can be a great risk-free introduction to electric equipment.
Think of rental stores as a partner in your business as the experts on electric equipment and fleet management. Many contractors already think that way because statistically speaking, over 50 percent of the equipment on a jobsite is rented. Rental stores have your best interest in mind and like you, want your business to grow and succeed. They’re a great resource and can help you decide when electric equipment rental makes sense. Here are four situations when it does.
Electric construction equipment also reduces noise emissions on the jobsite, which are often regulated, as well. You may not have noise restrictions, depending on where you operate, but any crew can benefit from being able to better hear one another, along with reduced exposure to noise. Temporary or permanent hearing loss and tinnitus are real health concerns common among construction workers.
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While wearing PPE helps, it requires preparation to have ear plugs or earmuffs handy – and it doesn’t always happen. Using electric equipment reduces the health impacts caused by noise, whether PPE is worn or not since the class of equipment is much quieter when compared to diesel or pneumatic engines.
If you’re on the fence about whether battery-powered equipment is right for your situation, turn to your local rental store. As a new technology, battery equipment will only continue to improve, making the electric equipment experience better and better as time progresses. Now is the time to start trying electric equipment through rental and become an early adopter of battery power. The state of California is leading the charge in enforcing sustainability restrictions now, but other states may not be far behind. As with other trends, similar restrictions will soon reach the east coast and landlocked states. Contractors who are open to electrified equipment will fare well moving forward.
Lean on your local rental store partners for knowledge and expertise as you dive into battery-powered equipment. Rental stores are the largest buyers of construction equipment, so they collectively have the power to influence manufacturer decisions. Foster a relationship with your local rental store, use them as a resource, voice your concerns and together we’ll make sure electric works for you.
About ARA
The American Rental Association, in Moline, Illinois, is an international trade association for owners of equipment and event rental businesses and the manufacturers and suppliers of construction/industrial, general tool and party/event rental equipment.
ARA members, which include more than 11,000 rental businesses and more than 1,000 manufacturers and suppliers, are located in every U.S. state, every Canadian province and more than 40 countries worldwide. Founded in 1955, ARA is the source for information, advocacy, education, networking and marketplace opportunities for the equipment and event rental industry throughout the world.
Find out more at ARArental.org.