The update modifies the city’s 2012 consent decree with the EPA that established a plan to reduce CSOs by 2031. Phase I improvements successfully decreased overflows, creating an opportunity to re-evaluate Phase II strategy to optimize efficiency and cost. Phase II was projected to cost more than $713 million. The revised plan includes $276 million in capital improvements, saving the city $437 million in projected costs. It also has a new deadline of 2038.
In 2015, South Bend hired the Stantec-American Structurepoint team to reassess its long-term control plan after completing Phase 1 of the plan. Other subconsultants to Stantec included LimnoTech and Xylem. The reassessment sought to find a more cost-effective approach for reducing overflows from the city’s 34 outfalls located along a 7-mile- long stretch of the 5t. Joseph River. Over several years, the team worked with the city to develop a tailored solution optimizing existing infrastructure while implementing advanced regional storage controls.
American Structurepoint performed conceptual design analysis and developed cost estimates for potential alternatives for treatment capacity, in-line storage, offline storage and treatment, real-time controls, and green infrastructure. Costs were used by the city to assess improvement and affordability for the rate payers. The Stantec – American Structurepoint consultant team developed a revised LTCP, known as the Smarter Alternative for a Greener Environment, integrating gray and green infrastructure with advanced technology to mitigate overflows. Plan elements include:
- Expanding the city’s wastewater treatment plant capacity to 100 million gallons, including a 2-million-gallon equalization basin.
- Building three new retention treatment basins with a combined volume of over 10 million gallons. The retention basins will store overflows and send them to the treatment facility once capacity becomes available.
- Nearly 4 miles of large diameter conveyance improvements.
- Targeted green infrastructure including sewer separation, green alley improvements, and rain barrel
- programs.
With all improvements in place, South Bend will capture and treat 99.6% of combined sewage generated during wet weather events, up from the original plan’s 89%. By capturing and treating the extra CSO volumes, the new plan is expected to reduce the amount of E. coli discharged to the St. Joseph River by an additional 12%.