Connecting Texas 2050 establishes the vision, goals, objectives, performance measures, and strategic recommendations for the state’s multimodal transportation system through 2050. It identifies three key performance goals (safety, preservation, and mobility) along with three strategic goals (connectivity, economic vitality, and stewardship).
“As we look to the years ahead, this plan will help us build upon our transportation system,” Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Executive Director Marc Williams said. “With a growing population and new technologies changing how we move, these goals will help us plan for decades to come and connect future generations of Texans.”
Thousands of Texans across the state contributed to this approved plan. Starting in 2022, TxDOT held public meetings to hear what the transportation priorities are for Texans, and people listed safety, alternative modes of travel, public transportation options, and maintaining existing infrastructure. Connecting Texas 2050 incorporated this public input to make it a shared vision for the future of transportation in Texas.