Construction Begins on New I-35 Ramps in San Marcos

“The City of San Marcos is experiencing extraordinary population growth, and it is expected to continue for the next decade, resulting in more drivers and increased congestion,” said TxDOT Austin District Engineer Tucker Ferguson. “The I-35 from Loop 82 to River Ridge Parkway project will address bottlenecks created by the increase in traffic and enhance safety.”
This project relocates the existing northbound I-35 entrance ramp, south of River Ridge Parkway, constructs a new northbound I-35 exit ramp north of Loop 82, and reconstructs the northbound I-35 frontage road.
Construction is expected to be complete by mid-2022, weather permitting.
This $14-million project is funded by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and TxDOT. The contractor for the project is Hunter Industries, Ltd.
This is the 19th project under the Mobility35 Program, which is a regionwide effort to improve mobility and safety along I-35 in Williamson, Travis, and Hays counties. Since 2011, the Texas Department of Transportation and other regional partners have been working on a plan to improve mobility and safety along the I-35 corridor.