The John Bunker Sands Wetland Center Hosts Groundbreaking and Celebration for Expansion Project

The Wetland Center is located in the middle of the East Fork Water Reuse Project. A 2,000-acre manmade wetland constructed by NTMWD to recycle up to 90 million gallons of water each day. The water filtration system provides 20 percent of the total water used by the North Texas population, making it one of the largest constructed wetlands for water recycling in the United States.
“By planning and promoting increased conservation literacy to more students, we can have a measurable and profound impact on conservation behavioral changes resulting in sustaining water resources and protecting habitat in the Trinity River Watershed,” said John DeFillipo, Director of the John Bunker Sands Wetland Center.
“We are so proud to be a part of this partnership that has allowed us to create something that benefits the community today and will continue to do so for many generations to come,” said Terry Sam Anderson, North Texas Municipal Water District.
The 5,700-square-foot expansion will include a 2,500-square-foot amphitheater and terrace, two new 700-square-foot enclosed smart technology classrooms made of prefabricated grain silos, and a 900-square-foot flexible outdoor education and event pavilion.
“Rosewood and the Caroline Rose Hunt family have a mission and vision of sustainability in our businesses and our projects. Seeing the growth of the John Bunker Sands Wetland Center from an idea on a drawing board to the vibrant organization it is today makes the family and all the Rosewood employees very proud,” said John Dziminski, President & CEO of The Rosewood Corporation.
Funds for the project were raised through a recent capital campaign. Construction is expected to be complete by October.