Pegasus Link Constructors to Begin 635 Project

The freeway itself will be widened to five lanes with one tolled managed lane in each direction. The interchange at Interstate 30 will be rebuilt. Moreover, the corridor will feature continuous two- and three-lane frontage roads. Areas near South Garland Avenue and the Mesquite border have never had frontage roads.
Preparation of work zones for construction has begun. City-owned property is being leased to the contractor and will allow Garland’s exits to be moved up on the timeline. One of the first signs of major construction work that residents will see is the closing of the current HOV/managed toll lanes to traffic. Utility relocations are also scheduled to begin in the upcoming months.
The contractor, Pegasus Link Constructors, said major lane closures will be performed during the overnight hours and weekends when traffic is lighter. The project is scheduled for completion in late 2024.