TxDOT Gives Update on I-10 Widening West Project in El Paso

As this segment of I-10 exists today, the major coast-to-coast arterial narrows from three lanes in each direction down to two lanes in each direction at Mesa; and from three lanes to two at the New Mexico state line. This project will remedy the lack of lane continuity at the North Mesa interchange, increase capacity, mobility, and safety.
The I-10 Widening West Project will reconstruct the main lanes of I-10 from just north of Vinton Road to Mesa Street (almost 7.5 miles), widening that portion from four to six lanes. The project will also reverse entrance and exit ramps from the state line to Mesa. Ramp reversals switch the entrance and exit ramp positions, to shift the merge movements to the frontage road and push the exit farther from the intersection, helping prevent traffic from backing up on the main lanes.
Other improvements include construction of a new overpass interchange at Los Mochis, 1.2 miles north of Transmountain, which will facilitate mobility; and a new bridge and at-grade bypass lanes at Thorn, which will allow through-traffic to skip the traffic signal at the interchange above. The project also includes safety lighting from Anthony to Vinton, and the installation of high mast lighting along the widened section. Technology system upgrades include four dynamic messaging signs, nine closed circuit cameras, and Wrong Way Driver Detection systems with LED signs at exit ramps.
The $174.3-million project is expected to take three-and-a-half years to complete. Daytime lane closures and full overnight closures have been in place while crews pave shoulders, shift lanes, and install barriers, so traffic can be shifted to the shoulders to maintain two traveling lanes. Existing frontage roads serve as detours at times of full closures.
A similar project is in progress on I-10 on the city’s Eastside from Eastlake to Horizon, while other widening projects include Loop 375 Widening (from Bob Hope to Zaragoza), the Montana Widening and Frontage Road Project, and the recently begun Purple Heart Widening and Frontage Road Project on Loop 375 from Montana to Spur 601.