TxDOT’s Atlanta District also won the Region 4 Seal Coat Award for its 2020 district-wide seal coat project, which involved FM 699 in Panola County, FM 2149 in Bowie County and FM 1001 in Titus County. The project’s contractor was Missouri Petroleum of Bullard, Texas.
TxDOT's El Paso District was selected as the winner for the inaugural Jon A. Epps Seal Coat Award for Region 2, for fiscal year 2020. TxDOT partnered with Cox Paving, and team representatives accepted the award at the TXAPA 46th annual meeting in San Antonio.
The award recognizes the work performed by the El Paso District in conjunction with contractors to preserve and maintain existing highways. Region 2 includes the TxDOT Odessa, San Angelo, and Abilene Districts.
“While the fast-paced process involves a team of 6-8 staff for placement, the seal coat effort was a district-wide effort involving various sections such as design, maintenance, and area offices,” said El Paso District Engineer Tomas Treviño.
A panel of judges, consisting of engineers and hot mix producers from other regions, consider ride quality and appearance for submitted projects that have been completed within the past year.
“Projects are rated based on what the traveling public sees and feels, surface appeal, and the smoothness of the ride,” said Atlanta District Director of Construction Kim Garner. “Judges look for surface irregularities, few or no discernible roller marks, and clean longitudinal joints.”
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