Another leg of US 290 East will become a four-lane divided highway in Lee County. The project will divide US 290 from the Bastrop County line to Navarro Street in Giddings. A grassy median with a cable barrier will separate new eastbound lanes from the westbound lanes along 7.5 miles of US 290. Inside and outside shoulders will also be added. The $28.3 million project was awarded to Big Creek Construction, LTD. Work began earlier this year on a similar project on US 290 in the McDade area. A third project was awarded in December that will divide US 290 from FM 2104 to the Lee County line. Together, these projects will reconstruct US 290 East into a four-lane divided highway through the Austin District.
Passing lanes will be constructed along part of SH 29 in Llano County, from approximately 2.5 miles west of RM 1431 to 5 miles west of RM 1431. The project includes passing lanes and 10-foot shoulders. The $3.9 million contract was awarded to Acme Bridge Company, Inc. This is Phase I of a four phase project that will include passing lanes, turn lanes and intersection improvements from RM 1431 to RM 2241.