The city’s High-Pressure District was in need of additional elevated water storage to ensure adequate emergency capacity and pressure stability, to a large section of the city. Jones & Henry Engineers worked with the city to design a 2.5-million-gallon composite elevated water tank on city-owned property along the west side of US-131. Challenges included the need for a two-mile watermain extension for the intersection of Drake and Parkview, which included crossing under US-131. The crossing had to be performed without interrupting traffic on the highway. This was achieved by installing the piping by "jack and bore" method. This complex crossing and watermain extensions allowed the city to connect the tower to two different pressure districts, improving redundancy and reliability of the system overall.
The Verona Pumping Station is critical to the distribution of potable water from the city’s treatment plant to the distribution system. Goals of the project included the replacement of a failed high service pump, and the realignment of yard piping, connecting the pump station to the city’s watermain network. Design of the yard piping improvement greatly simplified the existing distribution piping, while adding redundancy and operational flexibility. Jones & Henry also designed a replacement pump for the failed equipment, which utilizes a variable frequency drive to provide greater operational control and the ability to “peak-shave” electricity use leading to lower energy costs. The project construction activities were staged to ensure that work was performed without water service interruptions.