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Clare County Road Commission Paving a Path to Sustainability with Ultra High-Performance Concrete

LANSING, MI — The Clare County Road Commission (CCRC) is receiving national attention for its use of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC), an innovative bridge material that could drastically extend the life of concrete. When Dewayne Rogers, Managing Director of CCRC, heard about UHPC at a conference six years ago, he said it really sparked his interest.

“The University of Michigan has done extensive research on UHPC, and the consensus is that it will last 100 years without ever having to do any kind of maintenance to it,” Rogers said. “Normal concrete will absorb water, freeze, thaw, get potholes, rust. That doesn’t happen with UHPC.”

By the end of 2023, Rogers said CCRC should have five bridges built with UHPC. “When I see the data and what UHPC can do, I don’t know why more people aren’t using it,” he said.

Rogers spoke about UHPC at a meeting of the Transportation Research Board in Washington, D.C., this past January and has been featured in several national publications recognizing the road commission's efforts.

The 83 members of the County Road Association of Michigan represent the unified voice for a safe and efficient county transportation infrastructure system in Michigan, including appropriate stewardship of the public’s right-of-way in rural and urban Michigan.

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