Adolfson & Peterson Construction Completes Renovations of Five Schools for Arlington ISD

Designed by PBK Architects and Corgan, renovations to each school spanned from theatrical and public system replacements, video system replacements and accessibility and MEP upgrades throughout the schools. In addition, many school rooms were upgraded (music, computer, art, dance, science, shop) to meet the current needs of the students, and restroom fixtures, specialty fixtures and drinking fountains were upgraded for ADA. Sitework included new and renovated drive and fire lanes, parking, site lighting and sidewalks.
“Our partnership with Arlington ISD has been extremely rewarding for the AP project team and has far exceeded our initial expectations,” said Corbett Nichter, AP Regional President. “We put great value in the district and the work we are doing for the overall Arlington community, and we look forward to watching its growth in the years to come with the recent 2019 bond program approval.”