Fluor Selected for Eight-Year Position on Air Force Contract Augmentation Program V

AFCAP V task orders are intended to provide base life support services, construction, and commodities support worldwide to the Air Force and other Department of Defense and U.S. federal agencies.
“We are honored to be selected for AFCAP V and welcome the opportunity to support the Air Force in its demanding global mission,” said Tom D’Agostino, President of Fluor’s Government Group. “Fluor’s experience with AFCAP IV in locations such as Ascension Island, Japan, Qatar, and Niger positioned us well for our continued support of AFCAP V. We look forward to sustaining our relationship with the Air Force.”
Established by the U.S. Air Force to fulfill the Department of Defense's global mission during contingency events, AFCAP provides the Air Force and other government agencies with additional capabilities to rapidly support the logistic requirements of its deployed forces through the use of civilian contractors.