TxDOT Hosts Virtual Groundbreaking for Innovative Intersection in Georgetown

“Today, I am happy to announce we are beginning construction on a new innovative intersection in Williamson County,” said TxDOT Austin District Engineer Tucker Ferguson. “This project will enhance safety and mobility by reconstructing the I-35 at Williams Drive intersection, building bypass lanes, and constructing frontage road improvements.”
The I-35 at Williams Drive project includes the construction of a new Williams Drive bridge over I-35 to accommodate a diverging diamond intersection (DDI), northbound and southbound intersection bypass lanes under the Williams Drive bridge, extension of the northbound I-35 frontage road, and improvements to the existing southbound I-35 frontage road and the Austin Avenue intersection at Williams Drive.
“The improvements that we are making today reflect Governor Greg Abbott’s commitment to clear the choke points throughout the state of Texas,” Bugg said. “This is an important project that will enhance safety and mobility in Williamson County.”
A DDI is an intersection design that improves safety by briefly placing opposing left-turning traffic on the opposite side of the road, reducing potential conflicts at intersections. It also allows traffic to travel more efficiently through the intersection. With approximately 138,000 vehicles traveling on this segment of I-35 each day, this project will reduce the backups on the frontage roads and cross streets.
This $61.7 million project is funded by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and TxDOT. The contractor for the project is J.D. Abrams L.P.