Southwest Parkway Bridge Project Moves Forward with Drilling

Meanwhile, workers on the Southside of the bridge began taking off the bridge railing. This was preparation to start demolishing concrete off the bridge.
Also, for public safety the Circle Trail underneath Southwest Parkway is closed until it is safe to reopen. Circle Trail users are detoured up to the Sonic corner to cross Southwest Parkway to the south. Recreationalists are able to get back on to the trail in the area of Chicken Express and Endurance House. The sidewalk next to the Eastbound lanes is also closed to all pedestrians.
The $2.9-million job will widen the bridge over Holliday Creek on Wichita Falls’ most traveled road. The bridge on Southwest Parkway at Taft Boulevard will be widened on both sides of the existing structure. One side will be built at a time. During construction, traffic will be channeled down to two lanes in each direction. At other times, motorists may have three lanes to use. The new bridge will be 36 feet wider.