Trowler Appointed TxDOT's Atlanta District Director of Transportation Operations

In her new position, Trowler will oversee traffic operations in Bowie, Camp, Cass, Harrison, Marion, Morris, Panola, Titus, and Upshur counties. This includes signals, illumination, pavement markings, signs, radio, railroad coordination, and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) operations.
"As a second generation TxDOT employee, it is very rewarding to serve the area and community where I was born and raised. I truly enjoy working to enhance traffic safety on our local roadways," Trowler said.
She began her career with TxDOT as a summer hire in 2005 and worked in the Atlanta District for the following two summers. After graduating from the University of Arkansas with a Master of Science in civil engineering in 2010, Trowler joined an engineering firm in Texarkana. She became a licensed Professional Engineer in 2013. Trowler rejoined TxDOT’s Atlanta District in 2014. She has served as the District Traffic Engineer since 2018 and previously spent time working in the area office, automation, traffic, and advance planning.
Trowler replaces Rebecca Wells, P.E., who was recently named District Engineer for TxDOT’s Atlanta District.