Hundreds Gather for METRONext's Business Now Event

"With your expertise and commitment to this community, we can begin to provide improved accessibility for the disabled and seniors, better bus service, an upgraded regional express network with two-way HOV lanes, new Park & Rides and transit centers, 75 miles of METRORapid service that operates like light rail, and much more," said METRO Board Chair Carrin Patman.
Voters approved the $3.5 billion METRONext bond referendum in November 2019. Executing the travel plan with more than 40 projects will require the skills of a broad range of industry experts.
"Just as we needed the support of the community to get the METRONext plan approved, we need your support to execute that plan," said METRO President & CEO Tom Lambert.
The METRONext projects are expected to generate more than 100 prime contracting opportunities along with hundreds of additional opportunities for smaller business providers.
"What we hope to accomplish today is to begin building a team including METRO staff and the business community to fulfill the promises of METRONext," said METRO Board Member Sanjay Ramabhadran. "It's going to take that team working together to help us deliver capital projects, improve operations, and implement system enhancements."