TC Energy Announces $0.8B WR Project

By expanding its system, ANR will be able to provide up to an incremental 157,000 dekatherms per day of natural gas capacity to local area distribution and electric generation companies in markets that have recently announced significant coal fired and vintage gas generation retirements. ANR has secured long-term firm transportation agreements to meet energy demand in the Midwest, which helped support TC Energy's approval of the project. The project’s facilities include, in part, the installation of electric motor compressors with fuel switching capabilities for additional reliability to replace existing natural gas-powered compressor units along ANR’s system.
“The electrification of horsepower for the project is expected to result in approximately 43 percent reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions at the source with full utilization of the electric drive units — consistent with TC Energy’s approach to optimize our existing footprint with more sustainable infrastructure while improving reliability and organically growing our business along our existing corridor,” said François Poirier, TC Energy’s President and Chief Executive Officer.
Planned further conversion of natural gas to electric motor compressors in the coming years is expected to continue the trend of minimizing emissions from natural gas transmission and storage facilities. The WR Project is expected to be brought in service in the fourth quarter of 2025.