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Construction Gets Underway on North Tarrant Express Capacity Improvement Project

FORT WORTH, TX — Motorists in Tarrant County can expect to see pre-construction activities underway on the North Tarrant Express Capacity Improvement Project (NTECIP). The Capacity Improvement Project will add a (free) general-purpose lane in each direction along the North Loop of I-820 and a (tolled) managed lane in each direction along Airport Freeway (SH 183). The project will also adjust some of the ramps and connectors, as well as the pedestrian bridge in Hurst.

The NTECIP was part of the original public-private partnership with the state of Texas and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in 2009, to be delivered when the traffic count reached a certain level. “That threshold has been met almost eight years ahead of projection,” said Jose Espinosa, NTE Mobility Partners CEO. “This is an exciting project that will continue to provide mobility innovation and congestion relief to one of the fastest-growing regions in country.”

The Capacity Improvement Project will cost around $414 million; toll revenues collected on the NTE TEXpress Lanes will fully fund the project. No TxDOT funds or public money will be used for the construction. Early activities will include installing construction barriers and striping lanes; full construction will be underway in mid-2024. Most of the construction activities will occur during the overnight hours to minimize disruptions to drivers. The project is scheduled to take 42 months, with completion anticipated in early 2027.

North Tarrant Infrastructure, a joint-venture between Ferrovial Construction and Webber, will serve as the lead design-build contractor on the project. “We are looking forward to doing our part in improving mobility through this area. We also believe in supporting our community by providing jobs and opportunities, which is why we hire local and regional subcontractors, including minority-owned firms, who then live, work, and spend money in the area,” said Ignacio Milans, CEO of North Tarrant Infrastructure.

“The project is providing new growth and job opportunities for North Texas, as we partner with local subcontractors, vendors, and suppliers,” said Angel Luis Sanchez, CEO of Ferrovial Construction US & Canada. “We look forward to continuing to connect communities and create lasting impact where we work and live.”

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“We are pleased to help improve capacity and make enhancements in the managed lanes corridor to support the development of the communities in the region,” said José Carlos Esteban, CEO of Webber.

The NTE is a major east-west corridor that crosses Northeast Tarrant County and connects all cities between Fort Worth and Irving on the North Loop of I-820 and Airport Freeway (SH 183). When it opened fully in 2014, the NTE project almost doubled capacity in the corridor and added continuous frontage roads and a new bridge across I-820 at Riverside Drive.

NTE Mobility Partners provides 24/7 operations and maintenance for the corridor (general purpose and managed lanes) including all ramps and bridges, and Roadside Assistance for customers.

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