Texas Water Development Board Designates Members of Texas’ First-Ever Flood Planning Groups

“Local leaders and community members know their areas best, and the regional flood planning process enables them to coordinate with their neighbors up and down a basin,” said TWDB Chairman Peter Lake. “This process will ensure Texas is evaluating flood risk across the state and working between communities to identify state flood plan projects, which will be eligible for potential funding through the Flood Infrastructure Fund.”
The regional planning groups, formed around river basin boundaries, comprise representatives from specific interest categories, including agriculture, industries, river authorities, counties, municipalities, water districts, flood districts, electric generating utilities, water utilities, environmental interests, small businesses, and the public. The TWDB received more than 600 nominations during the nomination period.
“The response from Texans interested in stepping up to lead this effort was tremendous,” said TWDB Board Member Kathleen Jackson. “The initial members were selected for their commitment to public service, understanding of flood risks and issues, affiliation with the interest category for which they were nominated, and willingness to work cooperatively in a leadership role to protect communities from the effects of flood.”
The groups are responsible for developing regional flood plans due to the TWDB by January 2023. The regional plans will culminate in the state’s inaugural flood plan by September 2024.
“There is no one-size-fits-all solution to Texas flooding,” said TWDB Board Member Brooke Paup. “Just as each part of Texas is unique, so is the way flood impacts our communities. These members will work together to share ideas and lay the groundwork for proactive flood planning for generations to come.”
The TWDB began the initial planning group meetings this fall and will post public notices for each on the agency’s Regional Flood Planning Group Meeting webpage. Meetings will include an opportunity for public comment.
The TWDB is the state agency charged with collecting and disseminating water-related data, assisting with regional water and flood planning, and preparing the state water and flood plans. The TWDB administers cost-effective financial assistance programs for the construction of water supply, wastewater treatment, flood control, and agricultural water conservation projects.