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City Council Approves $125M Bond for November 2022 Election

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX — Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council passed an ordinance calling for the Bond 2022 Program to be placed on the November 8, 2022 election ballot in the City of Corpus Christi. This ordinance will authorize the city to issue bonds totaling $125 million without a property tax rate increase to fund 32 projects.

This special election will support four propositions:

  • Proposition A: Streets ($92.5 million)
  • Proposition B: Parks ($20 million)
  • Proposition C: Public Safety ($10 million)
  • Proposition D: Libraries ($2.5 million)

The City of Corpus Christi has biennially approved and implemented two-year General Obligation Bond programs that consist of citywide projects that are approved by the voters. It has been anticipated that this cycle would continue with Bond 2022. City staff has spent the last several months developing a list of projects from needs identified, in part, within the city’s 10-year Capital Improvement Plan and recommendations from City Council.

“We remain committed to creating economic development opportunities and continued growth in our city,” Guajardo said. “As we move into a new era of progress, the Bond 2022 projects will enhance the quality of life for all residents.”

The 32 projects are across the entire city with roughly the same amount of investment in each of the five City Council Districts.

Some of the guiding principles for project selection include:

  • Major citywide signature projects
  • Rough proportionality
  • Improve public safety facility
  • Focused on projects creating economic development
  • Enhance functionality of recreational areas
  • Investment in major corridors
  • Increase road capacity
  • Increase connectivity
  • Project continuation

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