TxDOT Atlanta District Receives Two Safety Awards

Atlanta District Engineer Rebecca Wells was presented the Outstanding Safety Achievement Award by TxDOT Executive Director Marc Williams at Transportation Short Course 2022 in College Station.
“Employee safety is top of our minds every single day we come to work,” Wells said. “Carrying out our extensive work load for an entire year with no injuries, no incidents, and no lost time is a goal that we strive for every year. We all want to make it home safely at the end of the day.”
TxDOT’s Outstanding Safety Achievement Award recognizes the nine-county district for meeting all safety milestones in fiscal year 2022. The Atlanta District covers Bowie, Cass, Camp, Harrison, Marion, Morris, Panola, Titus, and Upshur Counties.
TxDOT, along with the Associated General Contractors of Texas, award the Texas Bluebonnet Safety Award to organizations taking steps to proactively lower incident rates to zero. The program compares the organization’s safety record with other comparable entities.